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A little bit of history...

For the most curious of you a little bit of history about our palace and our city. Aci and Galatea legend told in the Sicilian history is the source of the city name "Acireale".

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Acireale, a little bit of history.

In the ancient time the city of Acireale was divided i different centers which now are the actual districts and every district was called with the name of the richest family that was living there. So we have a Patané district ( from the family name of "Platani"); Bonaccorso and Gambino ( from the other two family names respectively ). Gambino family, one of the oldest and richest family of Acireale, at the beginning of 1500 settled in the square that today is called Piazza San Michele, name of the church that faces the same plaza. San Michele Arcangelo church was built in the first half of 1500 and rebuilt in the 1700 because heavily damaged from 1693 earthquake. The front side, in neoclassical style, has been designed from the architect Stefano Ittar. The statues, decorating the same side, have been carved by Giuseppe Orlando, sculptor from Messina, and they represent the archangels Raffaele, Michele and Gabriele.


Gambino Palace history.

Gambino Palace rises majestically in San Michele square and it has been built on the Gambino family land, one of the oldest family of Acireale. For sure, this building has been built in the 1700 and ordered by Don Marcantonio Gambino, ecclesiastic of that time and vicar of the cathedral. The building was designed by the architect Paolo Amico. In memory of Gambino family, in the 1753, a sepulchral monument was erected in the cathedral of Acireale, exactly staged on the left aisle near Sant'Antonio da Padova altar.

The building, in authentic baroque style, is made of six modules, plus a central one, including first floor, second floor and a floor called "noble". To enter the B&B you pass through a large doorway with a pavement of lava stones. In the interior of the building, vaults and walls are painted in fresco with scenes of the Old Testament because, as said, this building has been built by an important member of a clerical party.

Inside the palace there's a large lounge with tapestries of a fine manufacture, chandeliers of Limoges, consolle with mirrors and splendid frames of authentic artistic value; another eighteenth century sitting room with velvet sofas made of silver and golden threads and a small chapel, where in the past were celebrated marriages of famous people of the city. Until the beginning of 1900, the palace was open to balls very often. Today, Marella, owner of this B&B, wants to open a side of this palace to create a comfortable area on the last floor for all want to relax in the baroque city of Acireale, touristic, thermal and cultural centre of big interest.

The legend of Aci and Galatea

The legend is the reason why the city has been called Aci-reale. Due to the unlucky love story between Aci, the shepherd, and Galatea, the beauty, who fell in love for him, provoking the anger of Polifemo, the Cyclopes. This one, very furious and jealous, hurled against Aci enormous rocks of Mongibello (Etna), his infernal residence, and with one of that rock he plunged and killed the unlucky lover of Galatea. The Very High, Jove, moved of pity for Galatea, changed this love in an eternal river. The history of Acireale has discontinuity cause of earthquakes and eruptions of mount Etna which many times changed the face of the land and the last heavy earthquake was in 1693. Due to the fervent activity of rebuilding, after the event, we have the actual baroque style.

The Rooms

Three bedrooms elegantly furnished, with bathroom and balcony with internal garden view of the palace.


Piazza San Michele, 4 • 95024 Acireale (Catania)
Phone +39 095.8363098
•+39 389.6886351

Leaving from Acireale it's possible to reach the main cities of eastern Sicily and other interesting places:

• Taormina
• Giardini-Naxos
• Etna
• Aci Trezza
km 41
km 34
km 42
km 6

• Catania
• Playa di Catania
• Bellini's Airport
• Siracusa

km 18
km 22
km 33
km 85